Nityam Webtech
  1. ) What is PHP?

PHP is a recursive acronym for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”. PHP is a server side scripting language that is embedded in HTML. It is used to manage dynamic content, databases, session tracking, even build entire e-commerce sites.

2.) What are the common usage of PHP?

Common uses of PHP −

  • PHP performs system functions, i.e. from files on a system it can create, open, read, write, and close them.
  • PHP can handle forms, i.e. gather data from files, save data to a file, thru email you can send data, return data to the user.
  • You add, delete, modify elements within your database thru PHP.
  • Access cookies variables and set cookies.
  • Using PHP, you can restrict users to access some pages of your website.
  • It can encrypt data.

3) In how many ways you can embed PHP code in an HTML page?

All PHP code must be included inside one of the three special markup tags ate are recognised by the PHP Parser.

<?php PHP code goes here ?>
<?    PHP code goes here ?>
<script language="php"> PHP code goes here </script>
Most common tag is the <?php...?>